ASTROPHE MAGAZINE, ISSUE 3 | Art Direction & Design
Astrophe aspires to expand what we see as the limited representation of diversity within the print media landscape. We strive to celebrate beauty, talent and creativity in every shape, colour, gender and sexuality. We believe in the beauty of diversity and are driven to celebrate the work, stories and images of our featured artists with the goal of empowering and inspiring our readers.
This particular issue focusses on honesty from different perspectives through photography, written articles and interviews. Honesty translates into our lives through our thoughts, our actions, our intentions and our language. Why is honesty important? As human beings, we define our lives through our connection to the truth. We are always seeking meaning - the meaning of ours and 'of others' thoughts, words, actions, choices and ultimately, the meaning of our lives. Core to this search for meaning is the concept of truth - we have a need to be grounded in the truth and are always trying to discover it. Honesty could then be defined as exercising power over that access to the truth. If we are honest with ourselves and with others, then we are enriching our existence via a connection to what is real
Featured on the cover is a handwritten logo, designed by myself, which the magazine has now adopted.
Creative Director, Simone Taylor
Executive Editor, Elizabeth Milstead
Feature Editor, Jay Rickards
Copy Editor, Valentina Saldouzi
Contributing Editor, Talitha Richardson
Featuring Tanerélle, Hunter Blue, Eva Tolkin, Luen Free, Kim Manning, Jaguar Jonze, Olivia Repaci, Roos Van Rij, Lee Ichikawa and more.